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Gaming Wheels
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Everything from Big-6 to Bars & Bells!

Horse Race Wheel

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Play the Ponies!!!
Also known as a "Triple Crown" Wheel. This wheel is a 36" wheel with stand. A great money maker with super graphics!
Bars & Bells Wheel w/Stand

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Come on Cherries!!!
This 36" wheel is played like a Big 6 wheel. Instead of betting on dice, you bet on one of 6 objects shown on the wheel. The biggest pay out is 3 to 1. A great variation from a Dice Wheel!
Money Wheel - 42"

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Show me the Money!!!
This wheel is an old time favorite! This wheel can be played using the flag symbol as 25-1 on the lay down board or can be played with the flag symbol omitted from the lay down board.
Big Nine Wheel w/Stand

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Come on 9's!!!
36" Big Nine Wheel with Stand. Plays similar to Big Six in that you are betting on numbers. In this case your lay down has 9 numbers and a couple of symbols. Highest payout is 10-1.
Roulette Wheel

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Call for Quote:
Delux Big Six Wheel w/Stand

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Show Me Three of a Kind!!!
This a giant 5' wheel with stand. This is perfect for festivals and shows up great! The biggest pay out is 3 to 1 odds.
Big Six - Dice Wheel

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3 Of-A-Kind...Please!!!
This 36" Wheel with stand is great for indoor events, though it can be also used outdoors. Great graphics!
Table Top Big 6 (Dice Wheel)

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Off set those party expenses!
This table dice wheel is great for home entertainment, small monte carlos, or family reunions.

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Have Fun & Make Money!!!
Great for your organization's Monte Carlos. A proven money maker!!!
Dry Erase - Color Wheel 36

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Get Creative!!!
Great for Promotions. You can write on the wheel with dry erase markers and make up your own categories.
Round Bandit Wheel (Bars & Bells)

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The Round Bandit!!
This 36" wheel with stand is a variation of other bars and bells wheels. It has a different set up and the laydown has bigger odds. For example, 3 bars pays out 25:1, any row with a cherry pays out 1:1 if you haved placed a bet accordingly, 2 bells pays out 2:1, 3 lemons pays out 5:1, 3 plums pays out 10:1 and 3 oranges pays out 20:1.
60 " Round Bandit (Bars & Bells) Wheel

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The "Big" Round Bandit!!
This 60" wheel with stand is a variation of other Bars & Bells wheels and the play is the same as the 36" Round Bandit Wheel
60 " Big Nine Wheel w/Stand

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"Big" Big Nine!!
This 60" Big Nine Wheel w/Stand plays the same way as the 36" Big Nine Wheel w/Stand.
Delux Money Wheel

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The Bling, Bling!
A favorite of festivals, this wheel includes both 1 Joker and 1 American Flag. We have 2 sets of laydown boards for this wheel. One set with the flag & the joker omitted with the proceeds going to the house, and one set with the 2 symbols paying out 25-1.
Big Nine - 60

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Let it Spin!
Plays the same as the 36" Big Nine. Tons of Fun!
Card Wheel

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Let 's Play Cards!
Plays like a Big Six! Place your bet on a laydown board with either a 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King or Ace. Pay outs are the same as Big 6 - 1:1, 22:1 or 3:1.
42" Horse Race Wheel

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And They're Off!
Also known as Triple Crown!
Sport's Wheel

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Make A Bet!
Bet on your favorite team - numbers above the sport logos determine odds that are paid out!